Saturday, October 31, 2009

Life Goes On

I just got off the phone with Sister Jensen (my mission president's wife) and had to write before procrastinating yet again! Amongst the many random topics discussed were record keeping. She mentioned that Elder Scott actually has 3 'journals': 1 for the public, 1 for family and close friends, and 1 for personal ONLY. There are some things so sacred and personal that we don't share them with anyone, but keeping a record of these things is our way of showing Heavenly Father that it is important to us. That's when I realized that I need to be doing better at my record keeping, because I have been given some pretty special things/experiences lately and I don't want to forget them!
This week has been full of fun little experiences and great growth! Sister Foy and I have been catching up and having little mini-companionship studies...oh how I've missed that part of the mission! It's amazing how much more we can learn when we share our studies and inquires with others! I absolutely LOVE this gospel!!! It gives me the peace I need while attempting to get a life...which seems to be a longer process than I imagined :S There's just something about knowing that you're along the right path, despite the fact that I can't see everything ahead of's a little too foggy for that...I know that I'm headed the right way. Heavenly Father is kind enough to leave little hints here and there along the road.
I FINALLY heard back from Wells Fargo yesterday...the managers have been out sick all week. They filled the 2 open positions, but they'd like to keep my information for a position that will be opening soon. They claim they really liked me and would like to contact me when that opens. Office Max is more promising. He talked with me as though he had already given me the position. He will be talking with the managers that already interviewed me to see if they'd like me on the floor or in the print shop. If they do put me in the print shop he is going to work something out so they can use me on the floor as well...apparently he thinks I'm a good saleman and have a good computer background. We shall see what happens :)

1 comment:

  1. Hope it all goes well!
    So like, yah, I'm an Elder now and stuff. Pretty awesome :D

    And I see I'm not the only one who blogs! Yes!
