Thursday, October 15, 2009


I landed in Arizona Sept 19th...almost 4 weeks ago now! It's still hard to believe that I even landed in California...there are many a day when the alarm goes off at 6:30am and I roll over looking for my companion across the room only to remember that ended nearly 2 transfers ago! (79 days ago)
Mesa is great though, I love it here and am finding lots of new and exciting adventures! Tuesdays and Thursdays I often find myself wandering the Tempe campus of ASU with my roommate Kyla. I usually sit in on her Stress Management and Institute classes, and then entertain myself either in the Engineering or Institute buildings...sometimes at the tennis courts :) Sometimes I wish I could be a lifelong college student, and actually get paid good money for it! I just love going to class and being on-campus!
I'm still applying for jobs like crazy!!! I feel like it's taking forever to find a job, but then remind myself that it's only been a couple of weeks and things will turn out. I'm starting to get some call backs, slowly but surely. I'm waiting to hear from Wells Fargo whether I go on to the next level of interviews...another 4 business days. Yesterday I heard from American Fine Art Editions, Inc. for an Administrative position and was able to go in and interview that afternoon. It's an awesome business and I'll hear back by tomorrow evening whether or not they'd like me to come in and interview with the Director! If nothing else I'm getting some good interviewing practice in. Thanks to Wells Fargo I can now say I've had a group interview, which actually turned out nice and relaxing for me. It was a great way to get back into the swing of things.
I'm trying to think of some funny things that have been going on since I've been back from the mission, but I don't really have time to write about every second of every day of my life since then :) We all know I can turn any situation into something funny and it's been happening A LOT down here in AZ!
OH! Monday night for FHE our ward practiced country dancing, for a multi-ward activity coming up. As much as I absolutely LOVE (is it okay to be that sarcastic?) dancing I decided to go and support my leaders...I convinced my roommates to come along by promising that we would only stay an hour, no matter what! Well when 8:30 rolled around we were being taught a line dance...which I cannot seem to muster the coordination to manage...I told Kyla I would go get Janna and that we would leave. I walked over to Janna and told her it was time to go, that we would walk over to Kyla, wait for the music to start (they were trying to get the music turned on so we could practice the dance they just taught) and then leave all together. Well as Janna and I started back towards Kyla, Kyla started sprinting for the we ran for it too. As Janna and I were running through the door the Bishop yelled out, "I saw that Weinberg! Get back in here!" Luckily for Kyla and I he doesn't know us well enough to hollar out at us :) Boy did we get an adrenaline rush from that...I almost thought the Bishop was going to chase us down! We got a good laugh from that! Normally I don't think it would have mattered, but there were MORE GUYS THAN GIRLS!!! I'm pretty sure that's a world record for any YSA FHE, especially with dancing involved!

Oh...and the pumpkin pie title...yesterday after the interview I came home and made pumpkin pie to celebrate :) It's yummy!!!

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