Sunday, June 6, 2010

time keeps on ticking...

It's been several months and an update is LONG overdue! There really aren't too many updates on my life really, mostly just thoughts I've been pondering :) I'm still working at Wells Fargo and loving it! Sure we get busy and sometimes I count the time until we close the doors, but I absolutely LOVE my job!!! It also helps that I have some super fun co-workers!
Today at church someone mentioned something about how many days old he was and what he's accomplished in life thus far (in my own words of course). It got me to thinking...then I calculated that today I am 9,254 days old...what have I done with my life thus far and what am I doing today? Somehow my thoughts snowballed into my relationship with Heavenly Father and the 5 love languages. I don't remember exactly what they're referred to, but in my own words they are as follows: 1-words of affirmation 2-actions 3-gifts 4-quality time and 5-touch. So I was thinking, I wonder which love language Heavenly Father is...then I realized it's like anything else, he does it all! And best of all he gives us ways to express our love and appreciation to him in each language as well... 1-prayer, 2-service to others, 3-fast offerings, donations, etc, 4-scripture study/temple attendance (times we set aside for just him!), 5-the Holy Ghost (this one was kinda hard for me, so instead of thinking he wasn't perfect I thought for now I'd just leave it as a way he shows his love for me...through the comforter)
So there ya go, that's my random little trace of thoughts for the day!

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